written by geoff
johns art by ivan reis
Big batman likes.
What a guy. The goff man's running with modern internet teachings
that the bats has a plan to take down everyone one. Even members of
his team. Which is cracking. Because of course he dose. He is batman
after all. Omnigod of creation ! The niffty wee plot of the issue is
what if some one stole them plans. Which sadly is a little shite.
Seeing as some guy just broke into the batcave. It cheapens the cave
I think. Ayes maybe the league and that know about it but that's
enough likes. For some guy to rock up to it and take down Jason todd
AND Alfred is a little shite. Like the joker couldn't get in but
some punk ass JL villain could ? I'm no having that. Though having
said that my gut tells me the intruder is bats himself. Because
sometimes he's a cunt like that. Aww wells. We'll see likes. Wonder
woman thaw. She's quite horrible. Like her and superman just jump
into a country and free some hostages putting the justice league in
some political hot water. Which really I was fine with. Lest they
were saving lives and that. But she genuinely thinks she's a god god.
And by that I mean yes she might be an actual god or dimi god or what
ever she actually is but she THINKS she's all powerful. That because
metas are strong they should rule the earth and do what ever the fuck
they want. Its like she forgets that villains exist. Ands that when
one pops up she normally gets the shit kicked out of her. And that
yes. She could probably take A green lantern. But probably not two.
And definitely not the whole human lantern ranger team. To be fair.
Superman's a lad about it. Telling her to calm doon. She totes flys
off the handle at bats though. Huge mistake there.

written by mike
johnson art by mahmud asrar
Gotta love it when
a solid comics keeps being solid. Once again. Supergirl fights a
fool. Basically. Job done guys. Lets all go to the lobby and get
ourselves some well earned snacks. Its all good. Life that is. Being
alive and reading supergir. You have to admit there's quite a vibe to
that. Its that sunny dc continuity vibe. Ayes you could just be
reading superman. Fair play. But you were aww like. Naws. Lets give
big supergirl a try. Good on you's likes. Its a damn well nifty made
comic. Now yes its not going to set the world on fire. But it really
dosent need to. Its just a solid wee book ware supergirl fights a
fool. This issue we get double the bang for our buck. Two supegirls !
Well supergirl and power girl. Heela cools like. Iv not read much
with power girl in it but I do here good things about the character.
Also if its going to be a whole buddy cop adventure I'm totes up for
that. As you know I'm slightly partial to that whole sub genre there.
Its kind basically my soul. We also get some shameless costume damage
forcing a costume change this issue for powergirl. That's indeed
something all right.

written by christy
marx art by marc andreyko
Amethyst number
seven should be subtitled the return of the swagger. Because yes
sonny jims. The swagger has indeed retuned. It did wobble a bit last
issue. Eclipso really felt a bit shit. He sort of gets a better
chance to shine here. Cutting about the fantasy world being more
fantasy if you get me. Like he's using magic and that. They do a good
job of integrating him to the world. Hells, having said that I dinny
ken a thing about the first amethyst from back in the day. Maybe
eclipso was always a thing. Hmm. Utter shames on me. Apart from that
there is still a lot of plot happening. Like if your looking for a
comic ware things happen. This is the book for you. Because things
indeed happen. Like folk die son. They just die. Important folk. Folk
with big things happening. Its interesting. I didn't think they'd
kill off the movers and shakers this early. But as we've already
established I don't understand the world any more. Its fine. Amethyst
is still a damn fine comic well worth reading. Like you there. Eric !
You ! Should read this book !

written by tony
bedard art by andres guinaldo
Kyle and the team
get there shit together after being mind raped by the first lantern.
I really cant get over how amazingly none of the team were taking the
first lanterns shite. It really was gurren lagann ish. Perhaps even
laddish of them. Damn laddish of the writer to be sure. Now this
issue didn't quite live up to the last two. It was if I'm being
honest a little bit like filler. You what son. That ok with me. This
was filler used to surprisingly good effect. Remember that last issue
of actual green lantern ware sinestros home planet got utterly
wrecked ? And it felt surprisingly hollow ? Well we get some follow
up on that here. We get to see the aftermath and sinestros rage at
it. Which is neat. We also get a nice bit of kyle trying to use the
white ring to bring back the planet. Which if you ask me is way cool.
Kyle IS white lantern after all. He kinda is a wee god right now. It
dosent go well yes but at least he gave it a go. So far I am likening
this event. Its a lot more fun than the last one, though that may not
be all that a hard thing to be. I'm not missing the mad guardians.

written by brian
michael bendis and drawn by folk. Its confusing.
I'm starting to
feel it. No. not the actual event. The HATE for the actual event.
Its beginning to snake its way threw my body. It feels good. Hate is
always wonderful. So like I said before. I couldn't really bring
myself to actually hate. Age of ultron. Its a dark dystopian future
and all the bleak negative tropes that come with it I cant really
complain about. Its just what thee going for. Things get really
stupid though. And that too would be fine. Thing is this is the issue
ware things start to effect the marvel universe. Kinda. We'll see
ware it all gos in the end. But for now. Spoilers I should say.
Wolverine has went back in time and killed hank pym. See that son .
See aww that. FUCK THAT. That's just about the worst thing iv ever
read. If I didn't know better I would have thought it was written by
mark fucking miller. Its sick. Its the most modern cut writer of a
thing to do. The hell happened to you bendis ? And how did you get
over it so amazingly ? Sigh. I just don't know what any thing's about
any more. Well. At lest I still ken sue storms a massive bastard. I
go as far to say she's the worst human to ever live. Because shes
there. She could have easily stopped wolverine. But she didn't.
Because I duuno. She just wants humanity to suffer. Its totes her
thing these days. Maybe. Just maybe Ill one day eat tho's words. Its
difficult to tell ware every thing's heading. This event has been
massively pish so far but it might end strongly. And even then It
might be a know event seeing as there's another marvel event just
wrong the corner. Ahh wells. Always remember what sue storm did here
today. Or rather. What she didn't do. And forever hold it against

written by kieron
gillen art by greg land
Offft yes. Have I
ever mentioned how I bloody love gillens iron man ? Because DAMN SON
its just utterly cracking. It has virtually everything a I want from
a good comic. Action AND banter and of course. The most important
element. SPACE. Fun space that is. With aliens and robots. And big
ass laser beams. God damn love space. Has to be said. Also
gladiatorial combat. That's in the mix here too. Big tony stark is
fairly good at the auld gladiatorial combat. Ayes it probs happened
to him a thousand times before. But I like to think its thanks to
those combat lessons from the living legends big captain America.
There's plot to be had here as well. The transforming drinks
dispenser pulls off a dramatic double cross bringing the mad
celestials crashing down on house. Fantastic. I genuinely thought
they were dead. Didn't they die at the end of hickmans ff run ? Doom
was all up in there grill and I seem to remember something about
galatus and his CRAZY wrestling skills. Aw wells. Those mad god lads
are always a lot of fun. We don't actually get a fight between them
and shell head. But that's fine likes. Them just being there was
enough for me. So ayes. You should really give this run ago. So don't
be put of by land. His art really works well here. Yes. No fooling.

written by dan
slott art by humberto ramos
ohhh mahhh hgawd.
SHIT JUST GOT REAL FOLKS ock is fully aware of yami peter. I expect
card game based buddy copping within the month. Its goona rock.. yes
it is. Search your feeing internet person. You know it to be true.
Are people REALLY still down in superior out there ? Whits rang with
you. Its grate stuff. Ayes. Its different. And sometimes a little
weird. And ock has gained a touch of the grim dark for some unknown
reason. But its fun likes ! And its still as well written as the rest
of slots run. This issue was a lot nifftyer than last. Well I thought
so at least. Don't know what it was last time. I just wasn't feeling
the vibe for some reason. Shame on me. This time though. I was
feeling it. It was a lot more continuity er. There was some call
backs to tocks plan too cook the world from ends of the earth. Which
is nice. Seeing ock confront the fact that ock was all for whipping
out humanity in what mas be a few weeks to months ago in in universe
time . Ayes they do say it was last year. But hey. That still not all
that long ago to be a genocidal mad man. Its all fun's likes. Now
some might say that I jumped at the the spoiler reveal a little too
early there in the review. And they'd be right. But come on now Ted.
We all sort of knew that things would one day work themselves out.
And now here we are. Hopefully it will go well for auld yami peter.
As iv said many a time before. He's quite the lad.
so this JUST became a double feature
folks !
wtitten by chris
roberson art by dennis calero
I like zoro. What
a lad he is. Just cutting about pulp hero times. Ha ! Cutting about.
Sometimes I just crack myself up. This was a fairly ok issue I have
to say. Now it didn't knock my socks off or anything. But that's ok.
It was fine. Kind of more of a transitional issue. Getting everyone
where they need to be. Now if it was my decision I wouldn't have any
of that. But fair play. I get why it needs to exist. So like I was
saying. Its a neat issue. All told. Lots of nifty wee character
moments and interactions. And we get a quick peak at what seems to be
the big bad. No complaints really. Every things moving along nicely.
Sadly that really dosent give me much to talk about. So ayes. It gets
my coveted seal of approval ! Damn quick quickie there.
written by mark
millar art by frank quitely
this was shite. I
gave it ago and it was shite. Lets just move on.
written by grant
morrison art by chris burnham
GOD. Guys. Its happening. The batgods going to war. And I really have
to say. Big bats isn't pishing aboot. Like its agaist everything he
stands for but wouldn't be surprised if he just dosent kill the fuck
out of talia. Like at this point she pretty much deserves it. So
batman inc has kinda fallen. Like bruce has disbanded it but dick is
carrying it on in secret. Cools. Bruce kind of gets edgy sometimes. I
don't want to say he makes bad decisions during times like theses.
Because he omnipotent. Being a god and all. Its just you know.
Writing and all that jazz. For some reason he man bats up. Which is
cool. I'm not really sure why. Dose he need that extra powah ? I just
assumed he'd rock up to Wayne tower. Clear it out floor by floor like
the beast he is. As man batman he IS piloting a suit of power armour.
Now guys. Logic can fuck right off. Because that is awesome. The
image of him screaming towards Wayne tower is hella striking. The bat
god unleashed indeed. So yeah. Damn fine issue. We're getting to the
end of big morrisons run as well. Not sure how to feel . It wont be
the same anyway when he's done and gone. That's for sure.

FF #6
written by matt
fraction art by joe quinones
telling you folks. You should be going out there to your friendly
neighbourhood comic shop and buying FF. Why ? For the god damn
AMAZING breakfast vibe. Yes. That right. We git a bit where the team
just sit about and have breakfast. Yes. I shit you not. Its the most
perfect thing iv ever read. The vibe was off the bloody charts. Best
two pages of a comic ever you ask ? Hmm. Yes. Yes. A thousand times
yes. In recent years thanks to rebuild of evangleion 2.0. iv come to
think of launch as the beast meal of the day. Thanks to this comic I
may have to re think that. You know. Some comic do have the power to
change how you think. They can reach deep into your brain and change
you. FF is definitely one of those books. Its doing very important
vibe based work. Oh ayes. There was plot that happened. It was all
quite nicely done. Medusa has gone mad ted and abducted bently or
some pish and the yancy street gang canny be deaing with ms thing.
Its just all that really just gets over shadowed by the breakfast.
Like just thinking about it right now. Im not sure how I can go on
with my life. I just want to keep relieving those two pages. Those
two perfect pages.

written by matt
fraction art by mark bagley
So how much of a
colossal bastard is reed Richards like. The answer is utterly. Reed
Richards is an utterly colossal bastard. Yes. We already knew that.
It seems everything he dose is will dick off someone at some point
down the line. Thing is. That's what this entire issue was about. No
joke. Maybe I'm missing something but the plot this month seemed to
be to make the team as un-likeable as possible. Ayes the things
natural lad field protected him from the worst effects but god damn
son. The team are transported to the end of the universe by god
franklin and then are taken in and help by some nice aliens who've
decided to stay and watch the end of time. Fair play to them. There
the same dudes that sent blastaar to the big bang last issue. And for
some reason. Some MAD reason. Reed takes this as an insult. Ayes the
aliens plan isny aww that amazing but reeds aww. That's dumb ! I'm
the smartest there is ! U should do my plan ! The aliens are aww naw
thanks son its fine. Reed like go's off in a huff and steals the big
bad monster. Saying you cant just drop your problems in the past. AND
is reed on ? What im I missing here. EVERYONE bar the thing was soo
god damn un-likeble. Goosh ! I just don't get it !

written by rick
remender art daniel acuna
Yes. I have to say
comic. I'm totally feeling the vibe. Its absolutely rocking ! Uncanny
avengers isn't the easiest sale. That is to other folk. Most of it is
utterly cracking. To me at least. There some wee niggles here and
there. Like cap no being the red ranger or the mutants just being
bastards because well there mutants and apparently the x gene means
your physically incapable of ladness. The whole publicity team angle
is a slight bummer too. EVERYTHING ell's though. Its off the gosh
darn charts. Plot wise it kinda sort of looks like the mad celestials
are going too war with earth. Once I again I genuinely assumed they
were dead. Really should check up on that. Well one of them did “die”
this issue. Dropped by some apocalypse punk. Cheap ayes. devaluing
the whole space god thing. Definitely. Mr sinister did pilot that one
celestial like a mech though. So really. Its not something to worry
about. S.w.o.r.d. How amazingly shite are they likes. It seams every
time they pop up in a book something they own explodes. You'd think
some would get on that. Yes. So. Buy this book. Its pretty damn rad.

written by brian
buccellato art by marcio takara
Oooofft. Hold on
to your hats sports fans. This was a comic and a half. Let me tell
you about big Barry Allan. Humanity's god king was without his powers
this issue. The folk over at dial h stole them. Fair play you all
say. Barry was in a prison being attacked by mad max villains though.
So it was a tad inconvenient for him. Dose humanity's grateist hero
let inevitable grizzly death dampen his spirits ? DOSE HE FUCK. Lad
just solids snakes up and cuts about the prison being amazing. Arming
himself with all the rouges auld gear. Barry flinging boomerangs
about is a sight to see. Let me tell you that son. As you might be
able to tell I quite enjoyed this issue. It was amazingly solid. Ayes
the resolution to the plot was a tad shaky but ill totes forgive it.
It was just so nicely written. Lots of fast paced but smart action
and some genuine moments of comedy. Its just nice to see a hero who
dosent crumble when his powers are taken away from them. Fuck. Barry
dosent even gee a shite. He's all. It deal with it later. Lad. This
might be the first comic iv read in the new 52 that has cyborg
actually being happy. Hell. He's smiling most of time. Guys. He even
cracks a joke. Ayes. Absolutely cracking comic. Reverse flash coming
next as well. Yay !

written by brian
michale bendis art by sara pichelli
So massive massive
spoilers guys. I guess. With the latenesses all up in here I suppose
it dosent matter any more. But miles mum died. I think ? She got like
shot in the armpit. I guess fatality ? The fuck is wrong with miles
family. Apart from him there like all to a man, made of plastersine.
I assume when his dad fines out he'll die of hart brake or some pish.
Miles dose seem to be staying with big gankes family though. I do
like that. That could possibly generate one hell of a vibe. Building
lego all night and that. Though I spose grieving for your tragically
dead mother could put a dampener on things. Oh weels. Gotta look on
the bright side of things. At least miles has something to drive him
on now. And you never know. His mum might get a clone at some point
down the line. Worked out well for gwen. And venom was just some guy
that worked for roxcon. So ? Good I guess ? At least it wasny big
eddie brock going about being mental. But he dose that anyway ? I
forget that last thing eddie did in the ultimate verse. Its been I
while since I checked up on him. I gotta say. I liked this issue. It
was a little sparse for my taste but it did have a big moment for
miles. So a guess it all evens out. Fun times !

written by scott
lobdell art by eddy barrows
So for yet another
month on the trot teen titans was once again a mixed bad. Now
logicality I should jut say it was terrible. Because it really kinda
was. Not offensively bad but not really worth reading either. But I
dunno man. There were some parts here and there that I did at least
enjoy even tough I cant bring my self to say they were actually good.
So trigon just attacks earth. Like on his own. He's just cutting
about new York I think on a 3 headed horse. No real build up or
anything. He's literally just a big red guy going about toon. And I
kind of dug that. And damn son. This trigon is hammy as hell. You'd
think a big cosmic devil god wid have less banter. But no. he's
making one liners and such. Really he seemed to be doing quite a bad
impression of Dr doom. I can sort of here actual teen titans fans
screaming right now. So red robin is still possessed or what ever
pish is wrong with him. Its somewhat hard to tell the difference. Red
not all that nice of a character to begin with and now that he's
being almost comedicaly evil. I'm almost tempted to say its an
improvement. At least he's a little bit entertaining now. Oh yeah.
Like a hundred folk like actually die this issue. Just so causally.
And not as you would Imagen because of trigon. Some punk as akira kid
is just going about mind crushing fools. At one point a whole gaggle
of army folk just drop dead. In a single panel. And the titans are
loike. Oh nose ! This will make us look bad ! Fuck off with that that
shite comics.