
Thursday, 26 January 2012

comic book quickies 25/1/12

comic book quickies 25/1/12

It was one hell of a hefty week so lets get started !

written by Geoff Johns art by Jim Lee

The justice league get owned by darkseid and batman go's a wee bit mad. Well well what do we have here, a third week book in week four. Disgusting DC. This utter failure is beyond anything seen before. Sure there's been delayed issues before but that was before the new 52 and its sacred four week cycle and for justice league the FLAGSHIP book of the new 52 to be the first to cross the line into lateness and to be the first cut soo deep into the four week cycle so beloved by all. It hurts. It cuts me deep inside. The delay is a wound that will never heel. Every time I see justice league on the shelf ill think of this dark day this DARKEST day when it was a week late. It hurts me to even type that. The book was soo late the UK editions are only two issues behind. How mental is that ! Heh that last part was a wee bit misleading but still true. Still pretty mental. The actual issue was pretty gid. Darksied is on earth now and the recently formed league get curb stomped by him in cinematic action movie style. Superman gets gutteted by the omega beams while flash out runs them and Hal Jordan gets his arm broken. Fun times. The batman go's a wee bit mad bit comes from a scene ware Bruce unmasks to Hal. It just sort of comes out of nowhere and Hal has no idea who Bruce Wayne is. That's just weird, I know its set five years ago but he should have at least herd of Bruce Wayne by that point. The unmasking has a point though, course it dose batman all ways has a plan as it it allows him to be picked up by darkseids mooks and taken back to their base. Weird plan but that's young bats for you, if it had been the bat god that we all know and love he'd just wander up to the battle field and all the mooks would spontaneously combust. Because he's batman. Yeah so gid comic.

Written by Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato art by Francis Manapul

The flash sort of ends the current story line in a way that makes it difficult for me to summarize it in a short and funny way. Yup flash is a damn gid comic. Its getting hard to talk about now as every issue is gid. Damn gid. That's really is a win for DC as my definition in my head of the flash comes from the 2000s justice league cartoon ware the flash was wally west and the comic relief of the team. So its kind of hard for me to root for the more serious business Barry Allan and I didn't grow up with DC comics continuity so its not a big deal foe me that Barry is alive and the flash again. Its not like Barry is clowning around here though its more just its a fun story that could have took grim dark turns but so far hasn't and I like that. The next story arc looks to be that the speed force is ripping apart time and space. I'm not sure how that will go over, to me it sound like that time in star trek the next generation when they found out that warp drives were ripping apart space. Did anything ever come from that ? I'm glad the books kind of taken a step back from Barry's mental speed force powers which kind of took away the fun part of the flash in that its fun to watch him just run fast. So for the the fifth time in five months, the art is still AMAZING. Really really really gid.

written by Geoff Johns art by Ivan Reis

Aquaman gets lost in the desert ! And his dog survives the issue ! Now I really enjoyed this issue it was everything I want an aquaman comic to be. This was really the first time since issue one ware I think the big goff got it spot on. Don't get me wrong I did like the cthulhu putties arc but at times I felt that it was a wee bit too dark and some times it dragged just a bit. It be awesome if the book just continued with the format of this issue that being sort of stand alone water themed monster of the week plot with an on going arc in the background you know like new who. Yeah so aquaman gets lost in the desert and hallucinates about his dad making fun of him for being aquaman. Yeah its one of those plots. And it bloody well works. Please big boss goff give us more comics like this. The art really shines. Heh get it ? Cause he's in a desert ! Damn I'm good.

written by Brain Tony Bedard art by Tyler Kirkham

The lantern rangers split up into buddy cop teams. That's right ! Buddy cop power rangers ! Mind explodes ! So the solar system machine ship thingy from last issue has actual planets in its metal orbs. Sadly there is no juice bar planet for the lantern rangers to visit. This issue reminds me of issue two or three of justice league international which ever one it was ware the league split up into pairs for some buddy cop odd couple action mainly because that's what exactly happens here. Maybe that's just the go to narrative device for writers that want to develop relationships in a team faster. That's what's happening here and over in the main avengers book as well but over there its more to make it easy for the avengers to get a whooping from hammer mooks. Here it kinda works , giving us back story for the lantern rangers like who they were before they joined there respective corps and why they do what they do. So that's pretty fun. The best banter is between green lantern kyle and orange lantern construct glomulus which is awesome and it kinda makes up for larfleeze not being on the team. Not an amazing comic but worth a read.

written by Scott Lobdell art by Brett Booth

The titans get owned by superboy ! Yup superboy bipolar bastard that he is just willny pick a god damn side and stick to it. Its getting a bit much now. This issue is really just superboy beating down the titans. Now I like that it was all just one big fight but nothing all that awesome happens and it dosent give me all that much to talk about. So just a wee bit meh.

written by Jonathan Hickman art by Barry Kitson

The fantastic four wage 70s style space war above the earth ! Since issue five-ish this book has felt like 70s sci fi but I cant put my finger on a single core show that its most like. This space stuff makes it tastes like Blake 7. Now iv not seen that show in ages but that's the feeling I get from this books brow-ish colouring and I'm guessing deliberately cheesy at times character designs. This space war was in danger of getting stale but them BOOOOOOM!!! GALACTUS enters the battle and damn is he in full take nae shite I'm the devourer of worlds! Mode. Really all I need to enjoy a comic is for big G to turn up and actually do something. Too often galactus only gets a talkie cameo. Not here no sir. Here stuff explodes ! Lovely comic goodness !

FF #14
written by Jonathan Hickman art by Juan Bobillo

Doctor doom continues to be a total lad !I think we were all disappointed with dooms lack of appearances in the actual fantastic four book especially since that book was brought back for its 600 issue anniversary issues. Seriously how can you have an anniversary without doctor BLOODY doom ? Well fear not FF provides enough DOOM for all ! These few issues have been the best iv seen of old doom in ages, really he's not been this awesome since he fought his way out of hell. Yes that happened. This issue he stares down four mad gods. Like a pimp.

Doom. Do your worst....IT WILL NOT BE ENOUGH.

Now I like the team the books got going its what I thought the FF would be like from the start focusing more on the actual foundation doing things with SCIENCE rather than the fantastic four and what ever there plot was but at this point I could really do with this being dooms solo book. Its just mad enough to work !

Monday, 23 January 2012

Gears of war 3 Marcus Fenix action figure review

Well iv been writing mostly comic book quickies for what seems like ages now so lets try some thing a bit different.

I quite like gears of war. Its gid. Brown shooter extraordinaire that it is. I like it. The first yins probably why I bought my 360. If gears didn't exist I would have still got a 360 its just that gears one was the first next gen game that I saw that I just had to play. I'm pretty sure that's true. It dosent sound like lies at any rate. Anyway back in the day gears of war was the bomb. SIX YEARS AGO!!! how the funk did that happen ? That was a different age now long since past into myth and legend. It was a very yellow year wasn't it ? We can agree on that ?

Gears of war though. Its gid. Its your go to guy for chest high walls and brown-ness. Nothing wrong with that. That dosent have to be the formula for every game but its nice to have a dedicated guy for it kicking aboot. Now that's ware this chunky fridge man comes from, gears 3 to be specific. Yup its a toy of main character Marcus Fenix the shouty red ranger that he is.

I mainly got this handsome fellow because gears 3 was gid. Damn gid. Like surprisingly gid. It was mainly the less Nazi-ish world that drew me in and if I'm honest the game also lets you pilot mini mecha. You may not have picked up on this in the past but I am slightly partial to a wee bit of mecha.

Dude looks pretty funky in my option totally rocking the sleeveless summer gears outfit. Its summer time in gears 3. I like that. You could say that he has an awfully dull finish to him almost like he's had a dip in games workshops magic mud but that's totally in line with the feel and tone of the games. I feel I should also mention his trousers. MAN there awesome, just so detailed and they feel just so dame fine .... I may have said too much.


Well this lad can move. A lot. Sort of. He's got a lot of joints and all that and its not like he's all that restricted its just that he's not very dynamic. Now that's not a bad thing its just that he's INCREDIBLY neutral. He just stands there. With his arms. And his legs. And his FACE. His not giving a crap face . I quite like this. See some times you get toys that are too committed to one pose. Not this guy though. No sir. Now the face on the other hand I don't quite dig, I would have liked it to have more grrrrrr to it. A More of a angry I'm going to kill you type of face would have off set the neutral body quite well. The joints in his legs allow him to fully sit down. THIS BLEW ME AWAY WHEN I FIRST SAW IT. Now he can be posed so that he's daintily dipping his toes in the pool !!!


He has a gun ! A retro lancer. Which to me is just sort of bllleehhhhh. I kinda thought he'd come with the proper lancer what with him being the main character and all. Nothing against the retro lancer but the proper chainsaw one is the thing most people remember most about these games. It kinda makes a gear a gear. Now he cant hold it all that well. Well he can hold it in BOTH hands but its kind of a stretch and when combined with his neutral-ness it dosent look all that fabulous. He can wield It one handed but its a bit wobbly. And that's just silly. But no worrys ! He can store it on his back and that looks GLORIOUS !!!

So a pretty solid toy likes.

Friday, 20 January 2012

The mad hat pirates 2011 year in review awards review

Brought to you by the good people at Woolworths.

Best puzzle platformer involving blocks and sheep

Catherine (PS3/Xbox360)

Best puzzle platformer involving blocks and pulling


Best Title character called Catherine


Best use of Stan Lee


Most Awesome Dunban


Least Awesome Dunban

Portal 2

Most Portals

Craig whist combined with France. SOOOOO many doors.

Most disappointing villain accent

Metal Face

Worst British Accent

Tie: Orcs in Space Marine, Mechon in Xenoblade

Best game set in 2011

Persona 4

Most understated psychic powers

Cole Phelps (La Noire)

Most tense scene

Anakin blowing up the trade federation (Star Wars: The Phantom Menace)
Most skyward weapon

Legend of Zelda: The Skyward  Sword

Dirtiest sounding name

Grease Dance

Newest 52s


Oldest 52s

The fist use of the number 52 in mathematics

Least Ultimate Spiderman

Avenging Spiderman

Most Wolverine

Wolverine (Anime)

Most Peter Petrelli

Wolverine (Anime)

Most Redundant X-Person

Wolverine (Anime)

Best use of Bears


Blackest Swans

Black Swan

Bellaest Swans

Bella Swan

Gayest Vampires

This is a tough call. I’ll say the Count from Sesame Street.

Best version of Rayman 2: The Great Escape to be a launch title for a console with the words “Nintendo” and the letters “DS” called Rayman 3D

Rayman 3D, only the second to ever win this category. Well done.

Most obvious title for an award

Best version of Rayman 2: The Great Escape to be a launch title for a console with the words “Nintendo” and the letters “DS” called Rayman 3D (Mad Hat Pirates)

Best use of the phrase  “KINGDOM HEARTS!

Billy Zane in the past

Best Least Best use of the phrase  “KINGDOM HEARTS!

Modern Warfare 3

And now, the special categories.

The Barbarian hit dice award for most Duodecahedral Game

Dissidia: Final Fantasy: 012: Duodecim

Game of the year

Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within

Maddest Hats

Portal 2

Thursday, 19 January 2012

The not yet cancelled comic book quickies 19/1/12

Well hawk and dove is being cancelled and despite never reading an issue it carry's on in our harts!!!

written by Brain Michael Bendis art by Renato Guedes

The avengers get curb stomped by Norman Osborne's team of mook psycho rangers. This issue opens with bendis continuing to shill spider woman as she try to talk her way out of fighting three hulk mooks. We get it bendis she's your favourite. We get it. We got it back in 2004. please stop. Now I do like this psycho ranger mook plot something about it seems enjoyably toy toyetic to me. There isn't really much that happens here other than the avengers getting curb stomped but its done in a nice way what with the team having split up into two man buddy cop teams and there is some funny banter to be had with that. This issue I finally got that mar vel boy is spock. I like that. The issue ends with three giant man mooks attacking and beating captain America. Which is fine. But it ends with cap knocked out and the mooks being all “ captain America is down” naw pal just naw. That's just not how cap rolls. Like last time the art continues to be gid, its a different artist but they match the tone and feel of the last few issues damn well.

written by Tony Bedard art by IG Guara

Blue beetle accidentally brutally stabs his best friend through the hart. Well Blue beetle continues to be star kid. I like that and it is totally the way to go with this run but I kinda wish it could move beyond the origin stuff at this point. See this book is sorta just good, not sucky but not anything to shout about either and I feel its the origin stuff that's holding it back. That's what I here from long term fans of the character anyway though I do get why the origins being retold as blue beetle isn't the best know character and the hole point of the new 52 is to get new readers on board. The beetles buddy is fine by the way as the beetle suit suit fixes him up with a healing bug so he's fine. Well it looks like he may be a villain for a bit as the healing bug gave him a suit of power armour of his own but he's fine considering that hole stabbed though that hart thing. And remember its not like he was stabbed IN the hart no he was stabbed THOUGH the hart and right out his back so that's like his spine gone too. But no worry's he's fine

written by Scott Snyder art by Greg Capullo

Batman is trapped in the court of owls maze. Shit gets real. Then weird. Then real again. Well its issue 5 so its about time they broke out the old mind fuck. Rights so bats is trapped in this maze for like a week and daaammm he's looking ruff. The maze is trying to mentally brake him and it looks like its sorta working. That's really shocking, batman is WILLPOWER it shouldn't be this easy to crack him even just a little. It makes me question how this batman connects to grant Morrison's canon bat god batman. See I'm pretty sure this book is set in the present but its weird that batman is this weak. See if this was a young batman I could totally understand it but if this is proper present day bats then he's sickeningly out of character and totally written as a human. Which is just wrong. Batman is not a human. He is the BAT GOD the AVATAR of WILLPOWER !!! a death trap like this should be child's play to him but maybe he's just playing the court's game and maybe this is all just an act which I'm hopeing is what's going on. Still a gid comic its just a little jarring to see batman this weak.

written by Michael Green art by Mike Johnson

Supergirl travels in space trying to find krypton only to find a dark elder planet killer to fight. Yeah so as you can see from the cover supergirl fights this dark eldar looking woman. Sweet. Its not a particularly awesome or long fight but its was fun considering how dark things got last issue. We also get some plot developments as supergirl learns for sure that krypton is gone and that her dad was murdered before the planet blew. So big stuff there. So we're five issues in now I feel I should congratulate supergirl on being one of the surprise pick up's of the new 52. Seriously I'm reading a supergirl comic how did that happen ? Well the first issue was one long mech fight. Yup that's pretty much why. The awesome art probably helped too.

written by Brian Michael Bendis art by Chris Samnee

Miles morales continues to be spider man and this issue fights some muggers. Like a pimp. Well get a load of this, issue six out in shops IN OUR LIFETIMES. I'm speechless. Back when ultimate spiderman started waaaay back in the mists of time my ancestor reviewers could only dream of a schedule like this. MONTHLY. This issue was pretty gid too with miles stopping a mugging which is a nice spidermany thing to do and further cements him as the current real spiderman. For me what made the issue though was the art GOOD GOD the art yes. Cartoony and just plain awesome it just hit me as soon as I opened the issue. I just wasn't expecting it at all even though I herd it was going to be a B artist issue. But yeah AWESOME ART. It was also had sub plot with miles uncle who in this universe is the prowler. When I first saw the ultimate powler I mistook him for stealth deadpool. Stealth deadpool should be a thing.

Thursday, 12 January 2012

The NU look comic book quickies 12/1/12

Week two week two its week two ! Have I explained the week system ? I feel like I have, I spose I could go back and check but that would take effort so here's a quick recap for you. Since DC launched the new 52 the weeks have been clearly defined as a four week cycle, last week was week one now that's a hell of a week with both action and detective comics oot. This weeks sort of a breather week as there's not too much oot to wreck the wallet with. Well now you know and knowing IS half the battle! Though you all probably know this already sorry to talk down to you my internet comic masters.

written by Geoff Johns art by Doug Mahnke

Sinestro leads his former people against his own yellow lanterns. Then his former people tell space Hitler to get the funk off world. So well played general public of korugar you've proved your already miles ahead of the marvel universes mental health. Pretty gid issue though I'm starting to wonder what sinestros long term plan is because the feeling I get from the events of this book are that its entirely possible that sinestro wants to be a proper green lantern again, there's really no reason for him to keep the ring on and he could have gone back to being his old self all ready. Maybe the grate space dictator just understands that he's part of a BUDDY COP TEAM and just gets at a very deep and primal level that to be a buddy cop is to be the most AMAZING thing in all creation, the very peak of all galactic EVOLUTION ! The guardians as of the last page of this issue are the big bads of the current ongoing arc. They actually say NOTHING CAN STOP US NOW !!! MAHAHAHHAHAAAHA ! Well they might not have laughed. There's a small chance I made that part up.

written by Scott Lobdell art R.B Silva

Super boy wares a bad ass hood and cape and turns his tron lights off to go rescue an old friend. He is only like three weeks old but he still gets to have old friends. So I'm sure last time I talked about how bi poler superboy is, like one issue he's all emo and thinks he's just a weapon but the next he's all its my life I'll live it the best I can. Well now I'm thinking its not the character that's bi poler its the entire book that's like that. So superboys back working for n.o.w.h.e.r.e which is like a less subtle nerve from neon genesis evangelion that's after “dangerous” teen meta humans. There gendo kills a bunch of his own mooks. I guess that all just fine and dandy. Not a bad issue by any means id just like it to be a little more consistent in favour of the those awesome I'm NOT a weapon issues.

written by Jeff Lemire art by Alberto Ponticelli

AWWWWWWWW HELLLS YES ! Frankenstein fights omac. AND IT WAS AMAZING. That's it really. This issue was part of a cross over with omac #5 but I never knew that till I read the first page of this book. WELL PLAYED DC. Wait not well played not well played at all, I might have got omac if I had known before hand. Happily you didn't have to buy omac to understand what was going on so points to franky for that. It was a nice all fight issue that starts with franky sort of on holiday in Tibet bringing the beat down to some man eating dwarfs. awesome. He gets called in by s.h.a.d.e and checkmate to bring in a run away omac. This leads to a fight and like I said earlier It was AWESOME. I went into this with some doubt think that it was a cheap cross over trying to drum up some new readers for omac but dammmm this is just what I needed after that last issue that left me depressed what with it reminding me of that god damn dark age comic that you can see still haunts me. It just left me with a warm fuzzy feeling inside my manly guts. Gotta say though the arts not for everyone with its sketchy jumbled look and even I found some of the panel layouts had to follow on first glance but give it a go its well worth a look.

Also what do you think of or new look ? Leave a comment and tell us what you think !

Friday, 6 January 2012

comic book quickies 6/1/12

Holy hell we're back at week one again ! One more month and it'll be SIX MONTHS since the new 52 started. THATS HALF A YEAR !!! HOW THE BLOODY HELL DID THAT HAPPEN !?!?!?!

written by Grant Morrison art Andy Kubert

Well it's the SHOCKING never before told .... origin of superman. Huh? Yeah its superman's origin again. That's cool I spose. Well worth a interlude for. So superman's mum and dad are trying to get off krypton's as it about to explode. Its all very sci fi and the only really awesome thing that happens is krypto the superdog mauling ghost general zod. Really that was the highlight of the issue for me nothing ells really popped out because most of it was just the origin and the rest was ma and pa kent finding supe's. We get the origin of that tin foil goat from issue two so .... yeah GO MORRISON ! I feel like there's a joke in there but I'm missing it. It wasn't a bad issue but I'm back to feeling that Morrison's action comics hasn't been all that grate. Don't get me wrong its been a gid read so far but its not lived up to the hype. Mainly because the opening arc has been so un-opening arc-ish. Well at least for superman. Morrison's superman so far hasn't lived up his batman, memetic badass that he is but maybe old superman just need a healthy run up.

written and art by Tony S. Daniel

Batman fights small time crooks and a NINJA JOKER then has to deal with crowds that have gathered at a shine for the joker outside gotham park. Gid issue not much to talk about really. It was setting up the penguin as the big bad for the next wee while which is awesome as that meaty doll maker dude was just too meh for my likening. That hole shrine to the joke thing didn't really bother me at first but the more I think about it the more it seems to fly in the face of my belief that the general public of the DC universe was less MIND BLOWINGLY INSANE than that of the the marvel universe but I guess this is a new world and its young too so maybe it just needs the insane beaten out of it. Fun comic though and I'm glad it at least took a short brake from the grim dark meat thang its been rocking since issue one.

written by Dan Jurgens art Aaron Lopresti

WHAT A COMIC LIKES. A proper pure comic that's not bogged down with blood or gore or hate or death or bleakness or hipsterness or emotion. Just a pure comicy comic from the 80s, the nice 80s not the grim dark Allen moor 80s you always here about. So the JLI fight the tron lined apocalyptic space miner in what looks to be the final battle of the arc. And its epic. There's also banter. MUCH banter. Between HUMANS. Man what a team book! hopefully its doing well in sales id hate for it to be canceled. And the art is AWESOME. So bright and vivid. Also there is tron lines.

written by Peter Milligan art by Ed Benes

Ware JLI is a ture 80s comic red lanterns is very 90s. In a bad way. It's got rob liefeld-ish art but that's not really the main problem that honer belongs to the fact that not a bloody thing has happened. Pun intended. Ohh things have happened not actual things though, not thing things that actually matter. And I could get into that I really could, like iv said before I like filler but the problem is northing really awesome has happened. At all. I cant really remember anything about the last four issues other than grim dark stuff happened and it was red. That's about it. There's been this B plot running though the book about these two guys who's granddad was murdered by some street punk well that came to a head this issue after one of the dudes is arrested for getting back at the punk. That's all fine and dandy but when the dude resists arrest THE COPS BEAT HIM TO DEATH. TO FUCKING DEATH. ON THE STREET. BRITISH FUCKING COPS. AGGGGHHHHHHHH! TO DEATH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeah red lanterns is getting dropped.

written and art by Paul Girst

Ohhh the contrast ! Mudman is awesome !! very very awesome. In much the same way that the JLI is. Its just a pure comic made of fun. And mud. Its also got quite the heft to it, like its just a nice book to hold. Maybe that makes me sound just a tad mad but the paper quality is just wonderful. You may notice I really haven't talked about what actually happened in the comic that's because I find it hard to talk about things I like, there's only so menny times I can say some thing's awesome and I really like mudman. Its just so awesome. Ha! GO READ IT NOW

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Nu years comic book quickies 1/1/1

Well that's 2011 done with ONWORDS into 2012!!! lets see ware the comics take us.

Written by Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato art by Francis Manapul

Barry's not dead ! This issue we get the back story of new villains mob rule who are clone super solders grown from the discarded body parts of the flash's han solo type best buddy. Man its grate to be reading flash when its written well. Its just so much fun! None of this emo man on a mission pish from the flashpoint event. Last issue I thought it was taking a bit of a turn for the grim what with mob rule loping of Barry's buddy's hands but nope the dude can regenerate so its no big deal and that plot point gives us a grate page ware we see mob rule being born from a HUGE pile of discarded limbs. Brutal but damn sweet. So Barry's not dead no big surprise but I like how it was done showing that his new speed force brain powers don't make him too god like which I was thinking could lead to some story problems down the line see I like my heroes to just go around beating dudes up and this new speed force power could turn out to be too game braking, funky looking as it is. The art is still stunning I cant stress that enough. I here lots of banter about how gid the art is in bat woman and wonder woman but not so much about this books art maybe I just don't run in the right circles or maybe its just because this Manapul dudes been drawing the flash for a while so we're all just used to it but it's still well worth taking a look even for the art alone.

written by Geoff Johns art by Ivan Reis

Aquaman gets a dog ! So Aquaman and mera take the fight to the cthulhu putties at the bottom of the sea and attempts are made to make the baddies slightly sympathetic then they all die anyway. I think. Its not very clear it seems like there all just sealed away but that will just kill them all as there entire plot was to get food from the surface. So good going Aquaman you just killed an entire race. Oh wells no matter that 1950s gee mister kid survives and provides a dawwwww moment and a nice call back to issue one by telling Aquaman that he's his favourite super hero. I quite like this books art or maybe it's the just the colorist with all the awesome brightness and warmth they bring to the book but I think it suffered this issues by having most of the action take place at the bottom of the sea meaning it was all very dark and grungy. And Aquaman gets a dog how cool is that ! And how cool is it that Aquaman's got a book again its one of those things DC should hallways have. I cant tell you the number of times iv said id read Aquaman if only they'd put a book out. And know they have and he has a dog !

written by Brain Tony Bedard art by Tyler Kirkham

Laefleeze makes his first full appearance in the new 52 and takes his place on the lantern ranger team as the guardians are just flat out bad guys. See this issue wasn't all that much to shout about and I get the feeling that's what this entire runs going to be like. The lantern ranger book had to happen it just needed to be made there was no way lantern continuity could keep going along without a multi coloured team kicking aboot in the background. Laefleeze is always awesome and he was indeed fun here but I cant shake the feeling that he was slightly out of character in that he was more commanding and super villain-ish and less cowardly, I kinda get the feeling that's more like he was in his first appearance's. And then a solar system sized and shaped space ship comes through the now white hole at the centre of the galaxy. This pleases me.

written by Scott Lobdell art by Brett Booth

Its new years eve and the teams all together ! Sort of, still got super boy to sort out but that should happen next issue. Anyway yes this book continues to have the banter and it continues to surprise me with how much I'm enjoying it. It started out very so so and I was ready to drop it but then issue three happened and well like I said it has the banter. I feel like the book faces an up hill struggle with the long term titans fans on account of the new team and the continuity issues as well as the rob liefeld-ish art but I hope it succeeds or at least continues to keep up the snappy banter mixed with pretty cool fights.

FF #13
written by Jonathan Hickman art by Juan Bobillo

Doom. You are worried ? You think this could be the end of me ?

Valerie Richards. Yes

Doom. Do not worry , Valeria, I will not die – I know it.

Valerie Richards. HOW DO YOU KNOW ? HOW CAN YOU KNOW ?

Doom. Because... I am DOOM. DESTROYER OF WORLDS what GODS dare stand against me ?