comic book quickies 25/1/12
It was one hell of a hefty week so lets get started !
written by Geoff Johns art by Jim Lee
The justice league get owned by darkseid and batman go's a wee bit mad. Well well what do we have here, a third week book in week four. Disgusting DC. This utter failure is beyond anything seen before. Sure there's been delayed issues before but that was before the new 52 and its sacred four week cycle and for justice league the FLAGSHIP book of the new 52 to be the first to cross the line into lateness and to be the first cut soo deep into the four week cycle so beloved by all. It hurts. It cuts me deep inside. The delay is a wound that will never heel. Every time I see justice league on the shelf ill think of this dark day this DARKEST day when it was a week late. It hurts me to even type that. The book was soo late the UK editions are only two issues behind. How mental is that ! Heh that last part was a wee bit misleading but still true. Still pretty mental. The actual issue was pretty gid. Darksied is on earth now and the recently formed league get curb stomped by him in cinematic action movie style. Superman gets gutteted by the omega beams while flash out runs them and Hal Jordan gets his arm broken. Fun times. The batman go's a wee bit mad bit comes from a scene ware Bruce unmasks to Hal. It just sort of comes out of nowhere and Hal has no idea who Bruce Wayne is. That's just weird, I know its set five years ago but he should have at least herd of Bruce Wayne by that point. The unmasking has a point though, course it dose batman all ways has a plan as it it allows him to be picked up by darkseids mooks and taken back to their base. Weird plan but that's young bats for you, if it had been the bat god that we all know and love he'd just wander up to the battle field and all the mooks would spontaneously combust. Because he's batman. Yeah so gid comic.
Written by Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato art by Francis Manapul
The flash sort of ends the current story line in a way that makes it difficult for me to summarize it in a short and funny way. Yup flash is a damn gid comic. Its getting hard to talk about now as every issue is gid. Damn gid. That's really is a win for DC as my definition in my head of the flash comes from the 2000s justice league cartoon ware the flash was wally west and the comic relief of the team. So its kind of hard for me to root for the more serious business Barry Allan and I didn't grow up with DC comics continuity so its not a big deal foe me that Barry is alive and the flash again. Its not like Barry is clowning around here though its more just its a fun story that could have took grim dark turns but so far hasn't and I like that. The next story arc looks to be that the speed force is ripping apart time and space. I'm not sure how that will go over, to me it sound like that time in star trek the next generation when they found out that warp drives were ripping apart space. Did anything ever come from that ? I'm glad the books kind of taken a step back from Barry's mental speed force powers which kind of took away the fun part of the flash in that its fun to watch him just run fast. So for the the fifth time in five months, the art is still AMAZING. Really really really gid.
written by Geoff Johns art by Ivan Reis
Aquaman gets lost in the desert ! And his dog survives the issue ! Now I really enjoyed this issue it was everything I want an aquaman comic to be. This was really the first time since issue one ware I think the big goff got it spot on. Don't get me wrong I did like the cthulhu putties arc but at times I felt that it was a wee bit too dark and some times it dragged just a bit. It be awesome if the book just continued with the format of this issue that being sort of stand alone water themed monster of the week plot with an on going arc in the background you know like new who. Yeah so aquaman gets lost in the desert and hallucinates about his dad making fun of him for being aquaman. Yeah its one of those plots. And it bloody well works. Please big boss goff give us more comics like this. The art really shines. Heh get it ? Cause he's in a desert ! Damn I'm good.
written by Brain Tony Bedard art by Tyler Kirkham
The lantern rangers split up into buddy cop teams. That's right ! Buddy cop power rangers ! Mind explodes ! So the solar system machine ship thingy from last issue has actual planets in its metal orbs. Sadly there is no juice bar planet for the lantern rangers to visit. This issue reminds me of issue two or three of justice league international which ever one it was ware the league split up into pairs for some buddy cop odd couple action mainly because that's what exactly happens here. Maybe that's just the go to narrative device for writers that want to develop relationships in a team faster. That's what's happening here and over in the main avengers book as well but over there its more to make it easy for the avengers to get a whooping from hammer mooks. Here it kinda works , giving us back story for the lantern rangers like who they were before they joined there respective corps and why they do what they do. So that's pretty fun. The best banter is between green lantern kyle and orange lantern construct glomulus which is awesome and it kinda makes up for larfleeze not being on the team. Not an amazing comic but worth a read.
written by Scott Lobdell art by Brett Booth
The titans get owned by superboy ! Yup superboy bipolar bastard that he is just willny pick a god damn side and stick to it. Its getting a bit much now. This issue is really just superboy beating down the titans. Now I like that it was all just one big fight but nothing all that awesome happens and it dosent give me all that much to talk about. So just a wee bit meh.
written by Jonathan Hickman art by Barry Kitson
The fantastic four wage 70s style space war above the earth ! Since issue five-ish this book has felt like 70s sci fi but I cant put my finger on a single core show that its most like. This space stuff makes it tastes like Blake 7. Now iv not seen that show in ages but that's the feeling I get from this books brow-ish colouring and I'm guessing deliberately cheesy at times character designs. This space war was in danger of getting stale but them BOOOOOOM!!! GALACTUS enters the battle and damn is he in full take nae shite I'm the devourer of worlds! Mode. Really all I need to enjoy a comic is for big G to turn up and actually do something. Too often galactus only gets a talkie cameo. Not here no sir. Here stuff explodes ! Lovely comic goodness !
FF #14
written by Jonathan Hickman art by Juan Bobillo
Doctor doom continues to be a total lad !I think we were all disappointed with dooms lack of appearances in the actual fantastic four book especially since that book was brought back for its 600 issue anniversary issues. Seriously how can you have an anniversary without doctor BLOODY doom ? Well fear not FF provides enough DOOM for all ! These few issues have been the best iv seen of old doom in ages, really he's not been this awesome since he fought his way out of hell. Yes that happened. This issue he stares down four mad gods. Like a pimp.
Doom. Do your worst....IT WILL NOT BE ENOUGH.
Now I like the team the books got going its what I thought the FF would be like from the start focusing more on the actual foundation doing things with SCIENCE rather than the fantastic four and what ever there plot was but at this point I could really do with this being dooms solo book. Its just mad enough to work !