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sweet lord |
Look I know nobody cares about green
lantern any more but for us madmen incapable of dropping the book its
been one hell of a ruff ride. Which is a shame cause it started ok.
Ish . For me anyway . Like it was always going to be difficult coming
off of big goffs jons run but damn son. Shits been grim. The writers
basically set about destroying everything fun about about gl.
starting with the base concept of silly syfy space cops cutting about
with power bling. There was a whole arc about how using power rings
was draining the light reservoir. Because silly fun has to have a
cost? Its one of my most hated tropes in fiction . Limiting the use
of your gimmicks to seem more mature. Like when warp speed was
tarring holes in the universe back in the next gen. Did anything ever
come of that ? I hope not. A trip to memory alpha may be needed.
Also all the blue lanterns died . Yes .
Even that elephant guy. Cry.
I feel the rest of the cores are down
too buy I honestly couldn't recall from memory what there up to. I
think the red lanterns became all about moustaches for a bit.
Oh yeah and every green lantern but hal
is dead. Even mogo . Again . Hal seemingly killed kiolowog
accidentally himself.
Sigh. Well comics are comics and
everything will be fine eventually. Everything always snaps back to
the status quo or there about's eventually. That said green lantern
is the poster boy book for my theory of DCs stratagem of letting
everything go to shit after a big writers run. Cause its always going
to be a tuff act to follow right ? So why not lean into that. Just
ruin everything that made fans love that property before bringing in
a new team and righting the ship. I feel bad about saying that.
There has been parts of the current run that Iv quite liked. Its just
soo ruff to see gl in this state. Under goff it somehow became the
red ranger franchise of DC . For a bit . Shaping events like blackest
night. Crazy days indeed. The constant death and rebirth of the
green lantern corps is a definite thing . Lurching between universe
ending events was what it was all about for sure. Its probably a
symptom of my compressed memory but to see it dead AGAIN feels too
soon. Like it never felt like the corps had time to breath and be
space cops. And not a space army. Witch is the dumbest and most
angering thing. Stop referring to the gls as an army in your not at
all down with the yoof DC YOU marketing DC . Is dumb.
Anyway. Hal jordan is not captain kirk
currently. He's a off brand star lord cutting about in a trench coat
in a space ship with a passive aggressive A.I not even slinging the
ring but instead packing a power glove. Its something new and
different at least ? Kinda ? Its super neo 90s anti hero comic in
design. Its kinda scary that creators are taking stuff from 90s
comics in a serious way . Though I guess its only fair since all of
that silver age plundering. Maybe we'll get guy gardener producing
guns from his flesh at some point again . Dreams.
Anyway. Have you seen hal jordans hair
recently ? Sure it was anti hero long. A little wintery soulgury if
you as me. But last issue it went full hair metal ! Id be impressed
if I wasn't soo sicked by how far gl has fallen. This issue it went
totely out of control ! Its like that kind of weird not actually a
mullet but its definitely the kind of hair cut that would hang out
with mullets. Our would at least by a mullet a drink if it saw one
down and out in a bar somewhere. Its far from the worst thing to come
out of this green lantern run we haven't even talked about that whole
stretch of time when hal was actively space hitler but I feel its
emblematic of the problem of where the books at and how DC feels
about it.
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floooooowing ! |
Be better green lantern. Please ? For
the old days ?
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